Schedule management commands
get list schedules
This command returns a columnar list of all schedules set up in the active runtime with their name, trigger name, and log level.
get list schedules [to <file>]
localhost:42200 > get list schedules
Name Trigger Name Log Level
demo-schedule CRON_all_mappings_tests-0
demo-schedule2 CRON_all_mappings_tests-1
get schedule detail
This command returns detailed information about a specific schedule in the current runtime.
get schedule detail <name>
Option | Mandatory | Description |
Yes |
Name of a schedule in the runtime. |
Example 1. Example
localhost:42200 > get schedule detail demo-schedule
Getting detail for CRON_all_mappings_tests-0
-- Delivery Name: all_mappings_tests
-- Schedule Name: testy
-- Trigger Name: CRON_all_mappings_tests-0
-- Job Name: all_mappings_tests
-- Session Name: all_mappings_tests
-- Cron Execution Type: Memory Mode
Start time : Sat Feb 03 10:48:24 CET 2024
End time: NULL
Cron expression: '0 0 * */2 * ? *'
Next time : Sat Feb 03 11:00:00 CET 2024
Last time : NULL
Trigger state : Normal
Log Level :
get schedules
This command returns a columnar list of one or more schedules on the scheduler, with extended information.
When invoked without options, the command lists all schedules.
get schedules [name <name1,name2,namen>]
Option | Mandatory | Description |
No |
One or more names of schedules in the runtime, separated by commas. |
pause schedule
This command pauses a schedule in the runtime, and prevents it from running until you resume it. The command has no effect on a schedule that is already paused.
pause schedule <name>
Option | Mandatory | Description |
Yes |
Name of a schedule in the runtime. |