Welcome! This tutorial will show you how to set up Semarchy xDM on Docker so you can run the tutorials available on the Semarchy website.

Learning outcomes


If you have not already done so, click the button below to download resources such as the sample files that you will use to set up xDM in this tutorial.


The Semarchy xDM architecture includes the following components:

In this tutorial, you will use a Docker Compose file to generate a container that will run Semarchy xDM and a PostgreSQL database.

Semarchy xDM images are using an official Tomcat base image composed of:

The PostgreSQL image is based on the official PostgreSQL Docker image.

Next, you will install Docker if you have not done so already.

Follow the instructions provided on the Docker website to download and install Docker depending on your operating system:




Next, you will use Docker Compose to configure and run a Docker container.

You will now configure your Docker container and run it using Docker Compose.

  1. Open the sample docker-compose.yml file in the quick-install/docker folder of the tutorial resources you have downloaded at the beginning of this tutorial. This YAML file defines the services, networks, and volumes to run and use in your Docker container.
  2. Edit this file if you wish to modify parameters such as:
  1. Open the create-schemas.sql script located in the same folder as the Docker Compose file. This script is invoked by Docker Compose to generate the xDM repository database schema and all necessary schemas for the xDM tutorials.
  2. Edit this file if you want to adjust parameters such as the database credentials.
  1. Open a terminal and access the folder that contains the docker-compose.yml and create-schemas.sql files.
  2. Run the following command:
docker compose up --attach semarchy-appserver --no-log-prefix
  1. Wait until the console shows the following line (the whole process may take a few minutes):
INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [12274] milliseconds


Semarchy xDM and its local database are now running in a Docker container.

Next, you will connect to xDM and configure the repository.

In this section, you will install the xDM instance.

  1. In your browser, connect to http://localhost:8088/semarchy.
  2. Enter the value of the SEMARCHY_SETUP_TOKEN environment variable in the services/semarchy-appserver/environment section of your Docker Compose file (if you have not modified it previously, the default value is mySecretValue), and click Log in.

  1. Review the end-user license agreement (EULA) and select Accept.

  1. Configure the repository and the administrator account and then click Install:

  1. Wait until the repository is installed.

  1. When the instance is ready, click Sign in.

  1. Enter the semadmin credentials you defined during the installation, and then click Log in.

  1. If you see this page, then you have successfully installed the repository.


Great job! Semarchy xDM is now up and running. For further information regarding system requirements and xDM installation, see the Semarchy xDM documentation.

Next, you will finalize the installation by granting access rights for some of the tables of the Semarchy repository you have just created.

Now that the repository has been initialized, you must provide access to some of the newly created tables: the repository read-only user must be granted SELECT privileges on the profiling tables to render the xDM Discovery profiles.

Set up an SQL client

To connect to the database running on your Docker container, you need to set up an SQL client.

If you have not installed any SQL client yet, consider installing DBeaver, a free universal client. DBeaver Community Edition offers ample functionality to follow the Integration track.


Grant read-only access to repository tables

  1. Connect to the xDM database with your SQL client using the following credentials:
  1. Run the following script to grant to the repository read-only user select privileges on the profiling tables:


** Oracle database post-installation scripts
** Semarchy xDM Tutorials
** Copy and paste the SQL DDL scripts and use them in the tutorial.
** Copyright (c) 2021 Semarchy

Grant select privileges on the profiling tables
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA semarchy_repository TO semarchy_repository_ro;
TO semarchy_repository_ro;


xDM Discovery is now ready to be used on your xDM instance.

For more information on xDM Discovery, see the Semarchy xDM documentation.

Great job! You have successfully installed xDM on Docker.

To summarize:

Now that you have set up xDM, you can request a license key.

Next steps

xDM is designed to handle various data types, including customer data, location data, reference data, organizational data, supplier data, and other domains.

To learn how to harness the capabilities of xDM, you could now pursue two distinct paths:

Go back to the main menu to find these resources.


Thank you for completing this tutorial.