Install Semarchy xDM on Azure

You can deploy Semarchy xDM in Microsoft Azure to move your data hub to the cloud and scale your deployment as the needs of your data management initiative grow.

There are two Semarchy xDM offers available in the Azure Marketplace:

  • The Semarchy xDM Azure Virtual Machines Offer deploys a single virtual machine containing all the components to run Semarchy xDM for evaluation or development purposes.
    Creating a virtual machine from the over is explained in the Semarchy xDM tutorials.

  • The Semarchy xDM Solution Template Offer deploys a production-ready infrastructure, with a choice of database technologies, the possibility to enable high availability, etc. Such a deployment is suitable for development, test, or production purposes.
    The current document describes the solution template offer and explains how to use it to set up and manage a Semarchy instance in Azure.

In the following documents, you will learn how to:

  • Plan the configuration of Semarchy xDM for development and production environments in Azure.

  • Start and connect to Semarchy xDM installed in Azure.