Semarchy xDM 4.3 release notes

Feature highlights


The new hierarchical tree view component allows browsing the most complex data structures using business views. Business users can now use these hierarchies to navigate their charts of accounts, product families, corporate organization structures, or any other hierarchical data set.

The tree view is simply configured in the model by the model designer and provides advanced capabilities to drive the entire appearance of the hierarchy by the data.

The hierarchical tree view complements the graph view, adding a new way to intuitively browsing data in the MDM hub.

Data historization and history browsing

This new release introduces an automated mechanism to historize golden and master data for all entities. Model designers can configure historization for new or existing entity in order to trace every record change, creation, update or deletion.

Once historization is configured, MDM Applications allow business users to:

  • Browse the hub at any point in the past, viewing data as it was before.

  • Review the full history of changes for a given record.

Using this feature, data architects can use the MDM hub as a safe storage for all data changes, and as a single point of truth for data traceability, available for both applications and business users. The MDM hub becomes a central point in the enterprise data architecture where the history of all critical data assets is preserved for compliance purposes.

Matched records improved authoring and delete

Fuzzy and ID matched entities, used to store data matched and consolidated from various source applications, now support the following extended authoring capabilities:

Golden-record authoring improvements

Matched records now support golden data mass-update and import, automatically handling the differences between records created solely in the MDM hub and those consolidated from upstream systems.

Business users modifying consolidated golden records in the MDM application can use a new Value Picker component to select surviving values from the master records.

With these features, every consolidation and authoring pattern, even the most complex can be configured by model designers and made available to business users in a simple UX.

Author on behalf of publishers

Data stewards can now create, update, mass-update and import master records as well as fix errors on behalf of upstream applications (a.k.a. publishers), submitting them to matching and consolidation as if the new records or the changes were submitted by the upstream applications themselves.

Using this feature, stewards can proactively create or fix records in an interim period, until the upstream applications provide these records or fixes. They can also use this feature to perform ad-hoc data loads from source systems.


Data stewards and business users can perform physical (hard) and logical (soft) delete on consolidated golden records, possibly propagating these deletes to related records (e.g., delete all contacts when an organization is deleted). Deletes automatically propagates to master as well as historical data automatically, yet keeping track of the delete operations.

With this feature, the MDM hub becomes the central point in the enterprise data architecture, from which users trigger critical data deletion and propagate these deletions to downstream applications, in a secure and trusted environment supporting all compliance requirements.

PostgreSQL support preview

The support for PostgreSQL is available as a Preview. All Semarchy xDM schemas (repositories as well as data locations) can now be installed in this database engine.

Other notable changes

  • The Filter Panel now supports pressing ENTER from a search field to immediately apply a filter.

  • User can use the Density preference in an application to make the browsing experience more compact, to accommodate smaller screens.

  • A new application property is available to configure the Application Title Color.

  • Image Library now supports importing one or multiple image files into a selected image library.

  • The Purge is improved to cover all data location and repository artifacts, including canceled jobs. The purge schedule for a data location is moved to this data location in the Administration view.

  • Workflow transitions now support an Enable Delete property to enable record deletion into the next task’s stepper.

  • Containers in forms can be named like tabs and sections.

  • The Workbench now prompts for Unsaved Editors when validating or deploying a model.

  • The form editor now supports a Form Preview in a separate view, allowing side-by-side editing and preview.

  • A new Managing Duplicates Using SQL and Publishing Record Deletions chapters in the documentation explain advanced integration patterns.

  • A new appendix in SemQL Reference lists all views and attributes available in SemQL.


Version 4.3.4

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-11117: The record representing the current batch is randomly missing from the DL_BATCH table during job execution.

Version 4.3.3

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-9788: No vertical scrollbar when browsing folders after upgrading to Chrome 76

Version 4.3.2

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-7519: Cannot export the model documentation when a step in a stepper use a procedure trigger.

  • MDM-7798: Persisting a record twice in the same load can generate an error with multiple concurrent calls

Version 4.3.1

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

New features

  • MDM-7294: Binary datatype is now supported in plugin inputs and outputs.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-7282: Mass-update fails with PostgreSQL with a SQL Exception.

  • MDM-7284: Parent entity’s FDN value incorrectly falls back to the current record ID in forms.

  • MDM-7297: An attempt to persist a Short Integer value using the REST API causes java.lang.ClassCardException.

  • MDM-7299: Sorting using reference columns has no effect on Source Authoring With Errors (SAWE) views.

  • MDM-7316: Export from a stepper authoring master data fails if the table contains the SourceID column.

  • MDM-7325: Form attributes' Default Value Data Type property is overwritten when opening the form in the Workbench.

  • MDM-7353: Application fails to load with ViewType SD4L does not exist for …​ with EntityType:BASIC when a stepper contains a basic entity as a child of a matched entity.

  • MDM-7358: Application fails to load with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: referencing context must have a SA4L viewType when a matched entity’s stepper first level contains a form step with a reference to a basic entity with filtering active.

  • MDM-7362: Card is incorrectly positioned after a drag and drop in the duplicates management graph.

  • MDM-7363: Validations and Enrichers on stepper’s child form steps cause incorrect model validation errors.

Version 4.3.0

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

New features

  • MDM-1946: Improved consistency for IDs and referenced IDs SemQL expressions.

  • MDM-2622: Review and fixed auditing columns content (Create Date, Creator, Update Date, Updator).

  • MDM-3674: Purge jobs execution no longer blocks integration jobs execution.

  • MDM-3953: Purge now handles all canceled loads' data.

  • MDM-4514: PDE error log easier to access in the workbench menu.

  • MDM-5639: Form preview is moved to a workbench view called outline.

  • MDM-5359: Reference to the parent record is read-only when this reference is forced (for example when authoring a child record with its parent).

  • MDM-5361: Improved storage and synchronization of batches information in the data location.

  • MDM-5737: Containers in forms can be named like tabs and sections.

  • MDM-5745: New application property to configure the Application Title Color.

  • MDM-5804: Certify OpenID Connect on Tomcat 8.5.

  • MDM-6077: Improved automated synchronization of validations used in Steppers to avoid warning during model validation.

  • MDM-6274: Individual image file import support in the Image Library.

  • MDM-6324: Hierarchy browsing configuration in business views.

  • MDM-6349: Improved import auto-mapping to support any file exported from the applications.

  • MDM-6418: Master value picking for value overrides.

  • MDM-6652: Data location purge schedule configuration is moved to each data location.

  • MDM-6707: Support mass-updating when authoring golden records in ID and fuzzy matched entities.

  • MDM-6708: Support golden records import in ID and fuzzy matched entities.

  • MDM-6715: New Target Database property on a model.

  • MDM-6766: Support hierarchies in business views browsing.

  • MDM-6777: The type of the repository and data location columns storing boolean values is changed from VARCHAR(1) to CHAR(1) in Oracle.

  • MDM-6805: Extend the purge process to support all required data.

  • MDM-6825: The binning expression and match condition fields are hidden by default in the details side nav displayed when clicking a match edge in the matches graph.

  • MDM-6833: Golden records deleted when they lose all their master records are now tracked as deleted golden records.

  • MDM-6842: Integration jobs capture golden and master history for historized entities.

  • MDM-6849: The Workbench now prompts for unsaved editors when validating or deploying a model.

  • MDM-6850: The Filter Panel now supports pressing ENTER from a search field to immediately apply a filter.

  • MDM-6852: User can use the Density preference to make the browsing experience more compact in an application, to accommodate smaller screens.

  • MDM-6859: The "Count" string is removed from the value pickers when filtering.

  • MDM-6860: Built-in search forms height is more compact.

  • MDM-6893: "All Applications" menu item supports opening in a new window

  • MDM-6987: Improved user experience for model validation, supporting an issue details dialog and validation report export.

  • MDM-7040: FDN_ fields are supported in SA and SD records even when the referenced record was not loaded in the same load.

  • MDM-7045: Support data creation and edit on behalf of publishers.

  • MDM-7068: Support data authoring on behalf of a publisher from the Source Authoring With Error browsing view type.

  • MDM-7069: Support data import on behalf of publishers.

  • MDM-9071: Support data mass-update on behalf of publishers.

  • MDM-7083: Support browsing data history in the applications.

  • MDM-7108: Workflow transition now support an Enable Delete property to enable record deletion into the next task’s stepper

  • MDM-7175: Improved mapping suggestions in data import to match more headers.

  • MDM-7188: Design-time PL/SQL Functions are renamed Database functions

  • MDM-7314: New semarchy.xml sample files for PostgreSQL and Oracle are available in the `mdm-server/conf/samples/ folder.

  • MDM-7337: Preconfigured datasource RETAIL_PRODUCT_MDM is renamed to PRODUCT_RETAIL_MDM. Preconfigured CUSTOMER_B2C_MDM datasource is added.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-4376: Workbench raises an Unhandled event loop exception: Argument not valid error when opening an application editor.

  • MDM-5945: Images library import dialog is not correctly not localized.

  • MDM-6689: Sorting sometimes causes a toggle sort impossible, non-existing column error to appear in the browser console.

  • MDM-6804: Export model documentation raises java.util.MissingResourceException errors in the server log due to unknown labels

  • MDM-6807: Export model documentation has missing and extra tables in the Physical Model

  • MDM-6877: Clicking the Attributes section in the Survivorship Rules editor causes a No UITablePageDef for class: SurvivorshipRuleAttribute error dialog.

  • MDM-6908: Missing model validation when Skip Nulls is enabled for the ID Survivorship Rule.

  • MDM-6910: Non-mandatory parameters in named queries cause HTTP-500 errors when no default value is defined.

  • MDM-6931: NullPointerException error occurs when closing and reopening the workbench properties view.

  • MDM-6935: List of values incorrectly allow importing blank values, which causes model validation issues.

  • MDM-6946: Plugin execution incorrectly raises errors instead of skipping the task if an exception is thrown during the plugin setup phase.

  • MDM-6976: Stepper editor does not show the System Properties section.

  • MDM-6977: Steppers do not persist enriched values if they are not displayed in the form.

  • MDM-6978: Workflow upgrade wizard shows internal names for the upgrade targets.

  • MDM-6979: Workflow upgrade wizard does not provide a feedback after the upgrade completes.

  • MDM-6980: Steppers generated with the Workflow upgrade wizard do not contain all transitions for certain business views.

  • MDM-6982: Workflow upgrade only creates the edit actions and misses the create action.

  • MDM-6983: Workflow upgrade generates incorrect email notifications that cause model validation errors.

  • MDM-6984: Workflow upgrade creates duplicate managers using view types not supported by the selected collection.

  • MDM-6995: REST API parameters are incorrectly documented. Parameters ($orderBy, $baseExpr) are case sensitive.

  • MDM-7009: In a duplicate manager, the clicking the avatar of the first row should not select the record

  • MDM-7010: A duplicate manager using a form with an embedded collection fails to start with a Merge or Split failed error.

  • MDM-7014: Unable to scroll down on a Global Search result page with Firefox and Edge.

  • MDM-7021: Menu form component’s property UseAvatarInMenu is not correctly externalized and documented.

  • MDM-7034: Manually editing a date on a form with two date fields resets the second date field.

  • MDM-7039: All values for a reference field appear as null in the timeline

  • MDM-7042: Empty list of values fields appear with a floating label in custom search forms.

  • MDM-7119: Tomcat tools Connector does not properly log out an AD FS authentication session.

  • MDM-7124: Unable to remove an attribute from a survivorship rule if it has been renamed

  • MDM-7171: When selecting a collection in a form’s embedded collection, the Allow Table/List/Grid flags should reset to the collection’s values.

  • MDM-7174: When deleting a component in the form editor, the confirmation dialog does not show a meaningful component name.

  • MDM-7189: Entities containing attributes with UUID generate an error in the response to a REST API call to persist data

  • MDM-7191: Remove parent record reference from import mapping when import is performed from the parent record.

  • MDM-7197: A PK violation error is raised during the checkout if a stepper uses two references to the same entity

  • MDM-7252: Sort expression in a reference picker dialog cannot be defined as the SemQL editor uses the wrong entity.