Data Historization

You can historize an entity to keep track of data changes and enable browsing this entity data at any point in time.

You can historize Golden Data for all entities, and historize Master Data for ID and Fuzzy Matched entities. Historization is configured when you create or alter an entity.

When an application uses entities with historization enabled, it is possible to enable the history browsing feature in the application configuration and optionally define a role required to use that feature.

History uses specific table structures and is handled by the jobs generated when deploying the model edition. A change in the history configuration requires that you re-deploy the model edition.
History tracing starts only after the model is re-deployed. If you activate the historization for an entity already containing some data, its history will remain empty after the re-deployment, the current state of the golden data is not copied to the history. Only subsequent changes will be traced in the history.
You can run again data loads in order to force re-creating the history, or copy the current state of the golden data in the history to seed the history with the current data state.