Semarchy xDM 4.0 Release Notes

Feature Highlights

Basic Entities

Semarchy xDM supports a new Basic Entity type dedicated to centralized authoring and reference data. Using basic entities, designers provide their users with a simpler authoring experience and faster data certification.

Applications Design

Application design has been entirely reviewed, with the capability to brand and dynamically customize the application rendered to business users.

Applications now support branding with a logo, avatar and cover image.

Application Folders now organize Application Actions. These actions perform operations such as browsing data, opening an URL or the user profile, create new data, etc. The Navigation Drawer is added to the application to provide shortcuts to application actions and folders.

Browsing Experience Design

The entity display name is now replaced by multiple Display Cards, with support for multiple texts, images and avatar picture customized using SemQL. The display cards are the base component to show entity record in forms, grid, lists and tables.

The forms use a new layout engine based on Flex, with support for Multiple Tabs, Sections and Embedded Collections. Collections replace table views and provide list, grid and table appearances to display sets of records. Forms and collections use the entirely redesigned set of rich Components to render/author data into forms fields and tables cells.

Business Views replace both business objects and business object views, simplifying and accelerating application design.

Components, business views, form, and collections now support data-driven configuration and styling. By using SemQL in form, tables, and components properties, designers can finely drive the user experience contextually by the data.

Authoring Experience with Steppers

Steppers are added to entities to define clusters of records for authoring, as well as wizard-like sequences of steps that drive the user through the authoring flow. Action Sets are also added to entities to define groups of operations (creating new records, editing record, etc) available on business views.

Material Design Meets MDM

The applications, entirely generated from the browsing and authoring experience design, now use an entirely rewritten user interface and experience, based on Google’s Material Design. This new user experience uses a highly graphical approach, supported by a built-in Image Library where designers can store and manage icon and image assets used in applications.

These applications provide intuitive browsing using business views, forms, and collections. Based on the browsing experience design, forms now have an automatically generated Overview sidebar. They also have a Documentation Side Navigation, which provides details, changes history (Timeline) and consolidated value explanation (Value) for any field.

Applications provide simpler and intuitive UX for filtering, support built-in search methods as well as search forms, and allowing to save/load and share filters. The application Global Search Configuration defined how to search through multiple business views from a search engine-like page.

The authoring experience is simplified by a Direct Authoring approach guided by steppers, which removes the need for workflow design and run-time overhead.

Application users - business users and data stewards - gain access to an Inbox which provides them with a simplified view of their operations in progress or completed. Similarly, they can customize and manage all their preferences in a specific User Profile page.

Integration & Core Changes

  • Data Editions and data branches are removed, simplifying the deployment and data location management operations.

  • Post-Consolidation validations are no longer rejecting golden records, but flag them in error instead.

  • A new REST API simplifies integration for querying and loading data into the MDM hub.

Change Log

Version 4.0.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-5369: Table display card column cannot be used to scroll vertically on touch devices.

  • MDM-5466: Import does not support image files with accents.

  • MDM-5468: Image resize mode fit does not work properly on Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5540: First Login wizard does not display well on small screen size.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

New Features
  • MDM-5610: Default label for form field or table column Remove no longer includes "(Name)"

  • MDM-5665: Improved deletion experience with a report indicating references preventing deletion

  • MDM-5679: Row-level security now apply consistently in steppers.

  • MDM-5697: Improved plural labels creation and consistency

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4280: Invalid URL incorrectly redirect to a Customer360 application

  • MDM-4829: Using built-in or model variables in a search form condition generates an error

  • MDM-5469: Stepper layout is incorrect in Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5495: Apply button not reactivated when switching on/off filters.

  • MDM-5508: Stepper buttons position is incorrect on Firefox.

  • MDM-5527: Data import fails when user misses read/write privileges on all attributes.

  • MDM-5536: Breadcrumb is desynchronized when using previous/next and browsing children.

  • MDM-5584: Steppers do not display well on Safari.

  • MDM-5589: Binary images do not update when modified unless page is reloaded.

  • MDM-5616: FullText search with a single searchable attribute generates invalid SemQL condition.

  • MDM-5618: Search types not available yet should be clearly marked.

  • MDM-5621: Browse business view action on Basic Entities should not allow MD and GE views.

  • MDM-5625: Collections, Forms, Display Cards, Steppers, Actions, etc. can be deleted even when referenced.

  • MDM-5634: Import with non-existent ID (for generated type) not rejected.

  • MDM-5636: Creating a record with a manual ID should prevent reusing an existing ID.

  • MDM-5640: Unable to set a menu field component value to NONE to nullify the value.

  • MDM-5641: Clicking a form with multiple tabs in the form editor causes a null pointer exception in certain situations.

  • MDM-5642: Graphs view menu incorrectly made available in embedded collections.

  • MDM-5649: Creating new records with row-level security defined causes a NullPointerException.

  • MDM-5650: REST API: query limit parameter returns one extra record

  • MDM-5651: Documented values for REST API $baseexprs are incorrect.

  • MDM-5652: The Create action does not work with row-level security defined on the entity

  • MDM-5676: NullPointerException in the form editor with forms created with the Application Component Creation Wizard.

  • MDM-5680: Data type conversion problem when authoring decimal values.

  • MDM-5683: ID and Image components positioned into forms overlap on small screens.

  • MDM-5685: Incorrect order of the items in the Inbox

  • MDM-5687: Non-Linear stepper should allow moving to any step in the sequence

  • MDM-5689: Disable statistics on automatically generated stepper jobs.

  • MDM-5690: A user without access to the entire model cannot log in to the application.

  • MDM-5691: The "Create Application Components" wizard should add fields to forms in logical order.

  • MDM-5695: Application does not start with certain application server with a customized JAXB implementation.

  • MDM-5696: Unable to select the sheet when importing data from an Excel File.

  • MDM-5699: Import wizard auto-mapping does not work in certain cases.

  • MDM-5701: Authoring form should open with the focus on the first editable field.

  • MDM-5702: Collection Columns appear in incorrect order by default for users that do not have administrator privileges.

  • MDM-5704: Import fails when import file contains both new and existing records.

  • MDM-5705: Unable to display BLOB attribute as an image in a form.

  • MDM-5706: Public REST API returns an HTTP-5OO with a "DataSecurityContext not initialized" stack trace.

  • MDM-5708: Welcome Page becomes unavailable when the generation of a logical model fails.

  • MDM-5709: "Transition <UNKNOWN NAME>"" error when manually adding a transition to a business view.

  • MDM-5710: A quote characters in a label gives unexpected results when used in a chip.

  • MDM-5711: Blob size is not displayed correctly in the VALUE and TIMELINE tabs of the documentation side nav.

  • MDM-5713: Display freezes when scrolling in the model diagram.

  • MDM-5716: Import incorrectly converts certain strings to dates.

  • MDM-5717: Incorrect tooltip: "$ctrl.title" on the application navigation drawer header.

  • MDM-5721: Components created with "Create Application Components" should not generate a warning on validation.

  • MDM-5725: Starting a stepper from an embedded collection fails with "Create Failed".

  • MDM-5727: Setting a form tab to display with "Icon and Label" without setting an icon causes the application refresh to run forever.

  • MDM-5728: Using a TIMESTAMP field in a form generates useless Info messages during model validation.

  • MDM-5756: Global search displays business views for which the user does not have the required role.

Version 4.0.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-5369: Table display card column cannot be used to scroll vertically on touch devices.

  • MDM-5466: Import does not support image files with accents.

  • MDM-5468: Image resize mode fit does not work properly on Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5469: Stepper layout is incorrect in Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5495: Apply button not reactivated when switching on/off filters.

  • MDM-5508: Stepper buttons position is incorrect on Firefox.

  • MDM-5536: Breadcrumb is desynchronized when using previous/next and browsing children.

  • MDM-5540: First Login wizard does not display well on small screen size.

  • MDM-5584: Steppers do not display on Safari.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5589: Binary images do not update when modified unless page is reloaded.

  • MDM-5616: FullText search with a single searchable attribute generates invalid SemQL condition.

  • MDM-5621: Browse business view action on Basic Entities should not allow MD and GE views.

  • MDM-5625: Collections, Forms, Display Cards, Steppers, Actions, etc. can be deleted even when referenced.

Features Removed

  • MDM-4411: Data Editions and data branches are removed.

  • MDM-4836: Removed support for JBoss AS 7.x and GlassFish 3.x

  • MDM-4718: Java 7 is no longer supported. Java 8 is now required.

  • MDM-4239: Search Parameters no longer have a mandatory property.

  • MDM-5475: Applications' Auto-Refresh property, as well as Available Features properties disappear.

  • MDM-5275: Post-Consolidation validations are no longer rejecting golden records, but flag them in error instead.

New Features

  • MDM-4526: Generated application use a new UX based on Google’s Material Design.

  • MDM-4433: Matching Behavior is renamed Entity Type.

  • MDM-4433: New Basic Entity type to support simple centralized authoring/reference data patterns.

  • MDM-3977: Entity Display Name is replaced by a Display Card, which supports SemQL, several text/images, and various aspects.

  • MDM-3977: Form Views are renamed Forms. New form design support Flex layout, Multiple Tabs, Sections and Embedded Collections.

  • MDM-3977: Automatically generated Forms Overview sidebar.

  • MDM-3977: Collections replace table views and now support list, grid, and table appearance.

  • MDM-3977: New set of rich Components replace display types to render/author data into forms fields and tables cells.

  • MDM-3977: Data-Driven Layout and Styling using SemQL in form, tables, and components properties.

  • MDM-3977: Business Views replace both business objects and business object views.

  • MDM-4781: Business view transitions support many paths.

  • MDM-4093: Application provide simpler and intuitive UX for filtering, support built-in search methods as well as search forms, and allowing to save/load and share filters.

  • MDM-4430: Steppers are added to entities to define clusters of authored records, as well as a wizard-like sequence of steps that drive the user through the authoring operation.

  • MDM-4430: Action Sets are added to entities to define groups of operations (creating new records, editing record, etc) available on business views.

  • MDM-4571: Application now support a Global Search Configuration to search through multiple business views from a search engine-like page.

  • MDM-4911: Documentation Side Navigation provides details, changes history (Timeline) and explain consolidation (Value) for form fields.

  • MDM-5327: Inbox in generated applications provides users with a simplified view of their operations in progress or completed.

  • MDM-4161: User Profile in generated applications allows user to modify and manage his preferences.

  • MDM-4526: Applications support branding with a logo, avatar and cover image.

  • MDM-4526: Application Folders organize Application Actions. These actions perform operations such as browsing a business view, opening an URL or the user profile, create new data, etc.

  • MDM-4526: The Navigation Drawer is added to the application to provide shortcuts to application actions and folders.

  • MDM-4843: Support for table functions in SemQL conditions.

  • MDM-5092: Generated Application is regenerated at design-time using a Refresh menu in the application itself.

  • MDM-5411: New REST API allowing data consumption.

  • MDM-5059: Values in list of values now support an image URL in addition to their label

  • MDM-5091: Color used for a publisher in applications can be configured in the model.

  • MDM-4590: Image Library to manage icon and image assets used in applications.

  • MDM-5234: Functions now can be declared as procedures and be used as triggers in steppers

  • MDM-4708: New SEM_CONCAT and SEM_UUID_TO_CHAR functions.

  • MDM-5275: New B_ERROR_STATUS column (ErrorStatus built-in attribute) on SD and GD tables replaces the B_STATUS column (Status attribute) tracks whether a source or golden record is in error.

  • MDM-5275: Post-Consolidation validations are no longer rejecting golden records, but flag them in error instead.

  • MDM-4705: Display record count on all collections, with configuration.

  • MDM-4795: When a data location not in a ready state (requiring upgrade or in maintenance mode), its application appears with a disabled avatar on the welcome page.

  • MDM-5482: Delete action for historized deployments.

  • MDM-5419: Create Application Components wizard accelerates the creation of the various application components required to browse and author a given entity.

  • MDM-5506: Tomcat role mapping supports regular expressions and capture groups.

  • MDM-5505: New `V_USER_ROLES built-in variable returns a comma-separated list of roles of the connected user.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4750: Improved application loading in deployment environments.

  • MDM-5429: Hint generated in SQL code at an incorrect position in the presence of specific characters.

  • MDM-4565: LongInteger Parameters ignored in search forms

  • MDM-3682: Tomcat incorrectly reports a memory leak with checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks

  • MDM-2339: Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-854 : Legless Golden remain in the hub after due to post-consolidation validations

  • MDM-4435: NumberFormat not working for golden IDs in tables

  • MDM-5271: Unique key validation scope includes legless GI records after a split