Manage a Semarchy xDM instance in AWS

Upgrade Semarchy xDM

Review the pre-upgrade instructions before upgrading your instance(s) of Semarchy xDM.

Stop all applications and user connections to Semarchy xDM during the upgrade:

  • No application should access the Semarchy xDM services and APIs.

  • No user should access the Semarchy user interfaces for design-time or data management operations.

  • No user or application should access the repository or data locations' database schemas.

Contact your database administrator and middleware administrator to ensure Semarchy xDM remains unavailable throughout the upgrade process.

To upgrade Semarchy xDM:

  1. Navigate to the folder containing Kubernetes descriptor files for the active and passive deployments.

  2. Update both the descriptor files to use the new Semarchy xDM image to upgrade to. Refer to Docker Hub page for more information.

  3. Run the following command to delete the active application server deployment:

    $ kubectl delete deployment.apps/semarchy-appserver-active
  4. Run the following command to delete the passive application server deployment:

    $ kubectl delete deployment.apps/semarchy-appserver-passive
  5. Repeat the deployment steps 8 and 9 to apply the new deployments for the active and passive application servers.

  6. Upgrade the repository and upgrade the data locations.

AWS Ressources

Amazon EKS

Refer to Updating control plane version for more information on upgrading the EKS cluster control plane.

Amazon Aurora

Refer to Upgrading the PostgreSQL DB engine for Aurora PostgreSQL for more information on upgrading the Amazon Aurora cluster.


Semarchy xDM

Refer to Upgrade Procedure Steps for more information on backing up your installation of Semarchy xDM.

AWS Aurora

Refer to Overview of backing up and restoring an Aurora DB cluster for more information on managing backups with Amazon Aurora.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Semarchy xDM

The following is a non-exhaustive list of commands useful for monitoring and troubleshooting Semarchy xDM:

  • Get the pods running on the active application server.

    $ kubectl get pods -l app=semarchy-appserver-active
  • Get the pods running on the passive application servers.

    $ kubectl get pods -l app=semarchy-appserver-passive
  • Get details for a specific pod.

    $ kubectl describe pod _<pod_name>_
  • Get logs for the active application server.

    $ kubectl logs -l app=semarchy-appserver-active
  • Get logs for the passive application servers.

    $ kubectl logs -l app=semarchy-appserver-passive
  • Get details for the active application server deployment.

    $ kubectl get deployments -l app=semarchy-appserver-active
  • Get details for the passive application server deployment.

    $ kubectl get deployments -l app=semarchy-appserver-passive

Additionally, the platform offers REST API readiness probes to monitor the application status.

Kubernetes deployments and pods

Refer to Cluster Administration for more information on maintaining and managing Kubernetes deployment and pods.

AWS Ressources

Amazon EKS

Refer to Amazon EKS troubleshooting for more information on troubleshooting Amazon EKS.

Amazon Aurora

Refer to Troubleshooting for Amazon Aurora for more information on troubleshooting the Amazon Aurora Instances.

License & Support

Refer to Semarchy xDM System Requirements for more information.

Additional services on AWS


Semarchy xDM supports Key Management Services and Secrets Manager to store the platform’s sensitive configuration items such as credentials, API keys, or passwords and to implement rotating system credentials.

Amazon Key Management System (KMS)

Refer to Configure a Key Management Service for more information on configuring Amazon Key Management System.

Amazon Secrets Manager

Refer to Configure External Secrets Managers for more information on configuring Amazon Secrets Manager.

Cloud Watch

Amazon Cloud Watch can be used to monitor the different resources of the architecture.

Amazon EKS

Refer to CloudWatch logging for more information on monitoring the Amazon EKS cluster.

Amazon Aurora

Refer to Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Amazon Aurora for more information on monitoring the Amazon Aurora cluster.