Set up your Environment

This document explains how to configure your environment to develop Semarchy xDM plug-ins.

The Semarchy xDM Open Plug-in API is available for download as an update site for Eclipse in the Semarchy xDM SDK archive (semarchy-mdm-sdk-<version>.zip).

Install and Configure Eclipse

Before installing the Semarchy xDM Open Plug-in API, download and install Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers (Indigo or later). Eclipse is available for download from the Eclipse Website.

Install the Plug-in API

To install the Semarchy xDM Open Plug-in API for Eclipse:

  1. Download the latest Semarchy xDM SDK archive (semarchy-mdm-sdk-<version>.zip) from the Semarchy web site.

  2. Uncompress this file into a local /temp directory.

  3. In Eclipse, choose Help > Install New Software….

  4. In the Work with section, click the Add… button. The Add Repository dialog box appears.

  5. Click Archive, browse for the /temp/plugins-sdk/ and then click OK. The file location appears in the Location field. Leave the Name field empty.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select Semarchy xDM in the available software components. The Semarchy SDK component should be selected too.

  8. Un-select the Contact all update sites during install to find required software option.

  9. Click Next to review the list of items to install. Click Next again to read and accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Finish. The installation process starts.

  10. During the installation process, Eclipse prompts you to trust the certificates signing the plug-in SDK. Select the certificates and then click OK to proceed with the installation.

  11. When asked, restart Eclipse.

The Semarchy xDM Open Plug-in API is now installed.