Semarchy xDM 5.0 Release Notes

Feature Highlights

Semarchy xDM Dashboard

Semarchy xDM version 5 introduces Semarchy xDM Dashboard, a new component for designing visualizations and dashboards that create insight by combining your business data and the data stored and managed in the Semarchy xDM intelligent data hubs.

In Semarchy xDM Dashboard, designers:

  • Connect a variety of datasources, including data warehouses, enterprise applications or Semarchy xDM data locations.

  • Develop queries on those data sources. These queries return datasets with identified attributes.

  • Design charts that use the query attributes as dimensions or aggregated metrics to render visualizations, such as bar, column, line or pie charts.

  • Arrange charts into dashboards, which are grouped into dashboard applications.

Designers can also embed charts and dashboards into Semarchy xDM forms and applications.

User Interface Reorganization

The user interfaces available in Semarchy xDM have been reorganized:

The Workbench is now split into two user interfaces:

  • Configuration for all platform-level administrative tasks.

  • Application Builder with two perspectives:

    • Design for model design.

    • Management for model editions and deployment/data locations management tasks.

The new Dashboard Builder user interface is available for designing dashboard applications.

Platform privileges have been reorganized to reflect this new organization.

SQL Server Certification

This release introduces, in Preview mode, support for SQL Server as a database platform for the repositories and data locations, on-premises or in the cloud.

REST API Enhancements

The REST API has been enhanced with the following features:

  • New platform administration and model and application management API. This API support automating the end-to-end environment setup, configuration, and deployment of Semarchy xDM.

  • OpenAPI Specification and HTML documentation are automatically generated and exposed for all integration, administration and management endpoints.

  • Support for deletion, to submit hard and soft deletion requests to the hub.

  • Support for publishing data on behalf of other users by setting the creator/updator fields.

  • Enhancements to the loads and job monitoring and management endpoints for fully automated integration monitoring and management.

Other Changes

  • Custom Translation for Built-in Strings
    Designers can now override existing translations for built-in strings. For example, they can replace the 'Inbox' string by 'My Tasks' for all applications. They can also translate entirely the Semarchy interface in new languages.

  • Application Theming
    Designers can now define the color theme for each application defined in a Semarchy model in order to deliver an experience to the business users that closely meets the corporate visual identity.

  • Built-in Filters
    Designers can define Built-In Filters that are bootstrapped with the business views. These filters may be applied to a Browse Business View application action with overrides on the business view labels and icon, to design multiple variants of a business view in the applications.

  • Automated Deployment & Configuration in Clustered Mode Large scale sites now have access to a clustered mode for Semarchy node, into which configuration and model deployment are automatically propagated on every node in the cluster.

Change Log

Version 5.0.6

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-9511: Dashboard applications display an empty page when the web application is deployed on the root context

Version 5.0.5

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

New Features

  • MDM-9031: A dashboard or chart embedded into a form tab now uses all the available height when alone.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-9385: Unable to specify the schema as <database_name>.dbo when creating a database function.

  • MDM-9476: The "Consolidate dups master records into GI table" job task fails with a SQL Exception if masters within the same cluster have different B_HASSUGGMERGE values.

  • MDM-9557: An incorrect model validation error appears when a valid SemQL expression is used in a step trigger parameter.

  • MDM-9564: A dashboard embedded in a form does not use the configured height.

  • MDM-9565: Any form element positioned after an embedded chart or dashboard does not appear at run-time.

Version 5.0.4

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-9211: New attribute creation wizard shows an "Attribute does not have a name" error on the physical column name even when it is a valid one.

  • MDM-9231: Export fails when a built-in filter is applied to the collection.

  • MDM-9253: Language switch is not correctly taken into account in applications, and the application remains in English.

  • MDM-9254: Delete fails with a permission denied error if the user has only partial privileges on the deleted root entity.

  • MDM-9275: Applied built-in are ignored when performing actions on all records from a collection.

  • MDM-9284: Duplicate detection is not triggered when creating a master record

  • MDM-9287: Padding is missing in popup form dialog

  • MDM-9288: Fields do not appear on form when browsing historical data

  • MDM-9388: Performance optimization for the "most frequent value" consolidation strategy for SQL Server.

Version 5.0.3

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-9137: The lookup enricher fails to find a column called OUTPUT_COLUMN in the lookup table when the value found in the first output column OUTPUT_COLUMN1 is null.

  • MDM-9147: The application list in Dashboard Builder does not have a scrollbar.

  • MDM-9163: Delete a record raises an insufficient privileges error if the user does not have delete privileges on all entities that can be reached through a reference configured with cascade delete.

  • MDM-9166: Error recycling (PARAM_RECYCLE_ERRORS) is ignored in jobs for basic entities. In order for jobs to take into account basic entities in error recycling, models and jobs should be redeployed with this new version. Note that to keep the old behavior, customers can use the -Dmdm.integrationjob.disableAuthoringRecycleErrors=true system property.

  • MDM-9167: An unexpected error occurs when editing a form that contains a read-only field having an Override Rule set to No Override.

  • MDM-9168: Joins generated from SemQL contain unnecessary datatype casting, causing performance issues for example in the integration job’s Match and Find Duplicates tasks.

  • MDM-9191: A Default survivorship rule using the Most Frequent Value strategy generates incorrect SQL code for duplicate management.

  • MDM-9206: The Extend Batch Window task in the Consolidate Data task is slow to process data on SQL Server

  • MDM-9208: Resolving a duplicate issue found in a stepper creates a new record instead of editing the selected one for a basic entity.

Version 5.0.2

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-9013: JMS notifications fail to run at the end of a batch with javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name […​] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [java:comp] errors.

  • MDM-9028: Missing scrollbar in application folders

  • MDM-9030: An Embedded chart in Card mode appears with a grey background border.

  • MDM-9042: The About menu still indicates the previous version number after an upgrade.

  • MDM-9054: Configuring a purge retention policy with a number of years generates the purge with the same number of months.

  • MDM-9056: The Duplicate Found dialog hangs when checking duplicates in a stepper.

  • MDM-9077: A Chart is long to display or does not appear at all depending on the user locale.

  • MDM-9105: Users REST API metadata payload contains "departement" instead of "department".

Version 5.0.1

Breaking Changes

  • MDM-8865: A child record referencing a parent record detected as erroneous during the pre-consolidation validation is now also rejected during that phase. Designers must re-deploy their models in order to update the jobs and apply this change in behavior. Those willing to preserve the old behavior must define the -Dmdm.sourceFkValidation.allowRefToNewRecordsWithErrors=true system property.

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

New Features

  • MDM-7620: Optimized memory footprint and CPU usage for Excel data export.

  • MDM-8724: Repository information dialog and API returns the database name for SQL Server.

  • MDM-8830: Performance optimization for large data exports.

  • MDM-8850: REST API now accepts requests using jsessionid with the CSRF token.

  • MDM-8873: Support multiple SSO providers in the login page.

  • MDM-8909: Performance optimization for data import.

  • MDM-8947: The Previous/Next browsing capability may be disabled using the -Dxdm.browsing.disableSiblings=true system property.

  • MDM-8968: New "Securing Applications" section in the developer’s guide.

  • MDM-9007: Support HTTP get and post to OpenID providers for authentication

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-8224: A useless scrollbar appears on collections after resizing a column.

  • MDM-8749: References values (FDN) are not highlighted in the golden/master record history views.

  • MDM-8753: Embedded charts/dashboards using a SemQL attribute not available in the current view fail to load with an exception.

  • MDM-8808: The treemap chart type does not fall back on the default palette when no palette is selected.

  • MDM-8816: Unable to design and validate a matcher on a second-level child entity when the first-level child is not a fuzzy-matched entity.

  • MDM-8837: Date and DateTime in dimensions or measures are not formatted correctly in a pivot table chart type.

  • MDM-8839: Chart preview does not refresh properly for pivot table charts when rows/column totals are enabled.

  • MDM-8864: Missing System Properties section for certain editors in the application builder.

  • MDM-8868: Unable to import specific CSV files and to configure advanced parameters for the import.

  • MDM-8869: Missing Save button for import mappings.

  • MDM-8870: A DETECT_DUPS validation configured on a stepper used for master authoring raises an incorrect model validation warning.

  • MDM-8879: The axis values on an axis chart should use the formatting of the measure associated with that axis.

  • MDM-8881: Custom translations export should not contain the About box content.

  • MDM-8883: An infinite progress indicator is incorrectly displayed when accessing a non-existing business view.

  • MDM-8884: The transition comments do not appear in workflow notification emails sent for a transition to submit.

  • MDM-8887: The master history records lineage transition does not appear when browsing master records.

  • MDM-8889: A unique key validation fails in SQL Server when the unique key has multiple key attributes.

  • MDM-8893: The V_LOADID variable is not available for stepper triggers.

  • MDM-8894: Enrichers are executed in alphabetical order in steppers, and not according to their position.

  • MDM-8899, MDM-8913, MDM-8917: Browsing a record with a backslash, %2F or with non-ASCII characters in the ID causes a Record not found error. Note that these fixes introduce changes in the encoding of the URLs: @ is now encoded as @@ (@ in previous versions), / is encoded as @slash (%2F in previous versions), \ is encoded as @bslash (it was broken in previous versions), and %2F is encoded as @2F (it was broken in previous versions).

  • MDM-8900: Model deployment fails on PostgreSQL during the database schema merge phase if the database user defined for the data location can see other data location schemas or is SUPERUSER.

  • MDM-8903: Duplicates manager fail to start a Review Duplicate Suggestions or Review Duplicates action when a large number of records is selected. Duplicates managers are now limited to 200 operations these two actions.

  • MDM-8905: Filtering a collection with a large number of attributes using a form filter fails with an Error 400.

  • MDM-8911: Data location REST API documentation generates an HTTP-500 error when no publisher is defined.

  • MDM-8916: Unable to click in the right half of a multi-valued LOV field to add values.

  • MDM-8919: A display card text avatar does not appear correctly when the first character is a multipart UTF-16 character.

  • MDM-8920: Missing vertical scrollbar on the workflow timeline in the Inbox.

  • MDM-8921: Reviewing a large number of suggestions fails with a Checkout from GD records didn’t copy the expected number of records error.

  • MDM-8923: Workflow notification emails should use UTF-8 character set.

  • MDM-8927: Data import wizard allows mapping unknown column names.

  • MDM-8928: The Continue button should be disabled in the data import wizard when the SourceID it not mapped.

  • MDM-8929: Data export fails when exporting a selection of master records from a fuzzy-matched entity.

  • MDM-8930: Data export fails when exporting data sorted on the display card or with a custom sort.

  • MDM-8932: Unable to sort collections by calculated fields.

  • MDM-8933: A dashboard query with an obsolete list of query attributes should be considered invalid.

  • MDM-8934: Master data with references to fuzzy-matched records is exported with incorrect values in the <Reference Name> (Foreign ID) columns.

  • MDM-8935: Editing a record from its form loses a filter applied on its collection.

  • MDM-8937: Non-ASCII characters (accents) in labels are not displayed correctly in the applications.

  • MDM-8948: The physical model documentation shows every column as "not null".

  • MDM-8951: Submitting a workflow does nothing if Ask for Comments is selected on the transition to submit.

  • MDM-8956: Editing a golden record created in a duplicate manager by a merge/split operation fails with a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: selection must not be empty exception.

  • MDM-8958: Certain charts fail to load in dashboard applications with an infinite progress indicator.

  • MDM-8965: The stepper UI with many steps is not good within a workflow.

  • MDM-8972: Cannot nullify a record attribute through the REST API.

  • MDM-8980: Missing Save button in the Application Builder’s Management view.

  • MDM-9002: Splitting a golden record loses its foreign key override values

  • MDM-8999: Read-only form field should not have the Master Value Picker, Override and Reset decorators.

  • MDM-9029: Image library import fails with an Input is not a zip content or does not contain any image in the folder error.

Version 5.0.0

Breaking Changes

  • MDM-8121: Removed support for Apache Tomcat 7.x-8.0.x and Oracle WebLogic 12c Release 1 (12.1.x). Semarchy web application moves to JEE version 7.

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat Issue, and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8224: A useless horizontal scrollbar appears on collections after changing a column width.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8749: FDN attributes are not highlighted in golden and master history.

  • MDM-8808: Treemap chart does not appear correctly when its palette is left to the default value.

  • MDM-8816: Unable to design and validate a matcher on a second level child record when the first level child is not a fuzzy-matched entity.

New Features

  • MDM-1086: Application color theming allows designers to define the base theme colors used for a specific application.

  • MDM-1176: New Batch Update Size and Processing Batch Size plug-in enricher parameters to support batch record processing/writing.

  • MDM-3479: Prevent dropping a data location with suspended jobs.

  • MDM-3726: Inbox and workflows now show the label of the roles instead of their name.

  • MDM-4467: Broken filters that cannot be fixed now can only be deleted or removed.

  • MDM-6457: Welcome page and navigation drawer allow for longer application names.

  • MDM-6492: All load types (Integration, Stepper Authoring, Workflows, Duplicate Management, Delete) now appear under the data location’s Latest Loads node.

  • MDM-6629: REST API: Support for Platform Administration, Model and Application Management

  • MDM-6854: REST API: OpenAPI documentation for named queries.

  • MDM-6861: Form editor toolbar has new Expand/Collapse All buttons to expand and collapse all containers in the tree table.

  • MDM-7043: The User profile editor displays session information, including the application name and the list of session variables.

  • MDM-7116: REST API: Support setting creator/updator in persist calls

  • MDM-7386: Repository information now displays the database type.

  • MDM-7402: Decommission Oracle 10g support

  • MDM-7453, MDM-8276: Support for SQL Server

  • MDM-7507: Model deployment ignore database objects which name start USR_ when generating the SQL script.

  • MDM-7511: New Autocomplete Max Results property in the global application configuration to limit the number of records fetched by all autocomplete components.

  • MDM-7618: Make restartable a data location upgrade that has been stopped by a server restart.

  • MDM-7647: Model deployment is forbidden in data locations requiring an upgrade.

  • MDM-7665, MDM-7666: REST API: OpenAPI documentation for integration, administration and management endpoints.

  • MDM-7725: Enricher and validation plugins SetUp and TearDown methods are no longer called when the plug-in has no records to process.

  • MDM-7734: REST API: Support for deletion

  • MDM-7751: Enhanced configuration propagation and cache flushing in clustered environments.

  • MDM-7761: Support for the latest OpenID Connect connector for Tomcat.

  • MDM-7768: The 'Workbench' is split into Application Builder and Configuration user interfaces.

  • MDM-7679: REST API: Support for monitoring loads

  • MDM-7787: Better use feedback when clicking FINISH to complete a workflow.

  • MDM-7818: The Server Base URL property defined in the Applications Configuration is available in SemQL, workflow email notifications, and job notifications.

  • MDM-7873: Platform privileges reorganized to reflect the new Application Builder and Configuration user interfaces.

  • MDM-7884: LOV values wizard supports selecting an image to represent the value.

  • MDM-7905: When completing a workflow task the second information dialog is hidden when no action is available on this dialog.

  • MDM-7942: Support for user-defined Custom Translation for application built-in strings.

  • MDM-7979: REST API: Enhanced load endpoint to enable job monitoring.

  • MDM-7980: REST API: Support for job log purge.

  • MDM-8005: Job log editor reorganized with Current Task and Counters sections.

  • MDM-8012: New PARAM_NORMALIZE_DATE and PARAM_NORMALIZE_STRING job parameters to skip normalization phases for dates (Oracle) and empty strings (PostgreSQL and SQL Server).

  • MDM-8033: Golden history values are automatically highlighted in collections and forms in business view transitions when they match the golden record values. The same applies to master records.

  • MDM-8090: Hide a custom validation SemQL expression in the data validation report dialog.

  • MDM-8235: Support for Java 11. Libraries required and not included in the JDK 11 are provided in the mdm-server/additional_libraries folder of the installation package.

  • MDM-8245: Plug-in documentation updated to indicate that keyless usage is no longer supported by the Google Geocoding API.

  • MDM-8345: All REST endpoints no longer allow all origins in Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) by default. Allowed origins must be explicitly declared using the -DcorsAllowOrigins system property.

  • MDM-8350: Provide alternate solutions to the use of Soundex in the documentation.

  • MDM-8397: The Lookup Enricher now supports multiple outputs.

  • MDM-8398: Designers can create Built-in filters in business views.

  • MDM-8402: Designers can apply a built-in filter to a Browse Business View application action and override the business view labels and icon.

  • MDM-8530: Support retrieving roles from an OpenID Connect JWT Token.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4421: Testing an HTTP Notification Server with no Headers raises a java.lang.NullPointerException.

  • MDM-4825: When a plugin installation fails because of an upload issue, no error is logged.

  • MDM-5703: Enrichers do not run in steppers if a model variable is named after as an attribute’s column name.

  • MDM-5723: Browsing a record with special characters in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 error.

  • MDM-6533: Prevent an upgrade process to start if another upgrade process already runs.

  • MDM-6589: Unable to resume a data location upgrade.

  • MDM-6677: Applications in data locations that require an upgrade should be disabled on the welcome page.

  • MDM-6678: Applications in data locations with no valid datasource should be disabled on the welcome page.

  • MDM-6869: Unable to deploy a model with match rules using 2nd-level child entities.

  • MDM-7200: Data locations created with an invalid model should not be movable to the ready status.

  • MDM-7339: Application folder and actions editor drag and drop is not intuitive.

  • MDM-7449: Navigating through an embedded collection in a business view when browsing the masters view fails with a <entity name> with id …​ not found error.

  • MDM-7472: Infinite loading when navigating child record from a tab when browsing a record in error.

  • MDM-7508: Model validation should raise an issue when a business view invalid for the golden view is used in browse business view action targeting the golden view.

  • MDM-7621: Reduced memory footprint for Excel data import.

  • MDM-7634: An enricher using an FDN attribute, triggered in the REST API to detect duplicates fails with an Enricher is not usable in this context. fault.

  • MDM-7666: Postal code property is missing from the user profile editor.

  • MDM-7673: A business view with an embedded collection pointing to a basic entity loads infinitely on the master view.

  • MDM-7679: The date picker component always shows the time picker and ignores its configuration.

  • MDM-7697: Invalid string displayed for the full-text search in the global search configuration editor in the application builder.

  • MDM-7720: Steppers with overrides using SemQL clauses with navigations to master records fail to run with a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: xxx.SA4L → xxx.GD [Cardinality:TO_ONE, Name:GoldenRecord, Class:LineageNavigation] cannot be reverted error.

  • MDM-7721: Notification condition and payload test button always fails with the default values.

  • MDM-7723: A review duplicates action raises a "Review Duplicates Suggestions failed" toaster when there is no suggestion to review.

  • MDM-7724: The timeline is not available for the business views with a root filter.

  • MDM-7736: A model validation error An unexpected error occurred while validating xxx with validator RowCheckConstraintSemQLValidator is raised when a post-consolidation SemQL validation uses master records attributes in an any MasterRecords has…​ clause.

  • MDM-7739: Model documentation export fails if a complex type does not have a display name defined.

  • MDM-7785: The hyperlink component displays truncated FDN values in steppers.

  • MDM-7796: The model import dialog does not report correctly the upload limit size.

  • MDM-7797: Merge or Split fails if an Entity has a Complex Attribute using a Complex Type that has no Definition Attribute

  • MDM-7807: Forms and collections with UUIDs in the display card fail to load with an ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected CHAR got BINARY exception. Refer to the Post-Upgrade Actions section in the upgrade process for more information about this issue.

  • MDM-7819: Publishing with the REST API a record update for a fuzzy and id matched entity incorrectly sets to null the attributes not present in the payload.

  • MDM-7825: Data import fails for an entity having an ID generated with a SemQL expression that uses no attribute of that entity.

  • MDM-7830: The configured built-in and custom search forms do not appear for embedded collections.

  • MDM-7847: The task and step labels should be displayed instead of their names in the Inbox.

  • MDM-7853: Fields in the model documentation that use Markdown do not display correctly.

  • MDM-7857: A log out after a successful SSO authentication via SAML leads to an HTTP-400 (bad request) error page.

  • MDM-7870: The graph view should display the entity labels instead of the names.

  • MDM-7875: Updating a deployed model edition fails if a user-defined index in the data location uses an integer constant in its DDL.

  • MDM-7877: An invalid SemQL condition in a form field Visible property does not raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-7881: User preferences export file does not contain application’s folder preferences.

  • MDM-7897: Duplicate managers always prompt for the golden ID, even when this option is disabled in the configuration.

  • MDM-7904: Model translation export fails with a duplicate entry error with certain languages.

  • MDM-7906: A form with a tab displayed with label and icon but having no icon defined raises an error when reopened.

  • MDM-7911: A list of values used in a search form is always sorted by code even when the search parameter is configured to sort by label.

  • MDM-7929: Full-text search does not treat the German character 'ß' correctly.

  • MDM-7952: Triggering a form enricher in a stepper started as master authoring fails with a com.semarchy.mdm.runtime.semql.sqlgen.InvalidSemQLException.

  • MDM-7977: Duplicate detection is incorrectly triggered while authoring a master record and fails to resolve the duplicate issue with a java.lang.NullPointerException: Null logicalId error.

  • MDM-7987: Combining a parentRecord attribute and PublisherID in binning expressions fail model deployment with a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple entries with same key error.

  • MDM-7996: Prevent users from creating job log filters with an empty name.

  • MDM-8006: A folder disappears from folder and action tree in the application editor if its parent is set to one of its child folders.

  • MDM-8031: In a duplicate manager, the PublisherID and SourceID do not appear if the display card secondary text value is null on PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-8055: Filtering an LOV attribute with a value that is not in the LOV range returns all records.

  • MDM-8057: Fix passive node deployment process in the documentation.

  • MDM-8093: In duplicate managers, adding golden records should allow adding suggested matches.

  • MDM-8129: The optionPerEntity element is incorrectly mandatory in PERSIST_DATA REST API calls.

  • MDM-8147: Data import incorrectly overrides all the attributes for a fuzzy matched entity and not only those that are explicitly mapped.

  • MDM-8154: Boolean values import fail from an .xlsx files with a conversion error on PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-8193: Using the queryPotentialMatches option in the REST API fails with basic entities

  • MDM-8252: Workflow task stepper no longer hangs while transition notifications are being processed.

  • MDM-8255: Missing model validation for search configurations of type "Custom Form" not pointing to a search form.

  • MDM-8256: A job log filter is not saved if the "Saved as preferred filter" checkbox is selected while saving it.

  • MDM-8282: Inconsistent UI behavior of the survivorship rules editor after creating a rule.

  • MDM-8283: Editing the value of a form field in the form editor unexpectedly moves the focus to the next line.

  • MDM-8302: Golden ID sequence excessively incremented when computing golden IDs.

  • MDM-8307: Data import and collection sorting features in data management applications have issues due to VPN/Proxy not supporting the HTTP Patch method.

  • MDM-8313: A business view with transitions having customized sort expression stops working with id not found errors after an upgrade to version 4.4.

  • MDM-8317: Unable to deploy a model when too many plugins are aggregated in a job.

  • MDM-8331: Adding a stepper procedure trigger with an argument fails with a Metadata not found for error when opening the SemQL editor.

  • MDM-8338: Tomcat deployment process documentation updated.

  • MDM-8339: Applications should be disabled on the welcome page when the platform is not ready.

  • MDM-8369: When creating a new attribute, the physical column name field is automatically seeded but incorrectly shows an error.

  • MDM-8390: Using the SEM_F_SPLIT function fails on PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-8395: Enable Delete All records action configuration should not allow deleting records that don’t match the action condition.

  • MDM-8414: The UI component for the Visible property in the form editor does not handle correctly long SemQL expression.

  • MDM-8428: Form editor raises a `NullPointerException`when a Visible property contains an empty SemQL condition.

  • MDM-8431: Importing a file with a name longer than 128 characters fails.

  • MDM-8446: The Value tab is empty in the explain record editor when the golden ID is a UUID.

  • MDM-8457: An application action to import master records fails with an HTTP-500 error.

  • MDM-8458: A reference form field does not display as hyperlink or chip when the reference is not direct.

  • MDM-8460: Master record collection field background color style unexpected change.

  • MDM-8464: Binary attributes incorrectly support sorting in collections.

  • MDM-8477: Custom search forms with no parameters defined should raise a validation error.

  • MDM-8515: Models containing invalid reference form field configuration fail to deploy with a GenerateRuntimeModelException: java.lang.NullPointerException. This version automatically fixes such invalid configurations.

  • MDM-8539: Improved validation for pre-consolidation validations using master record attributes.

  • MDM-8582: REST internal and public API security reinforced for potential CSRF issues.

  • MDM-8592: A data location in maintenance mode should put all its continuous loads on hold.

  • MDM-8599: Deprecated 'Auto-Refresh' and 'Refresh interval' properties still available under Display Properties in Business Views.

  • MDM-8626: An embedded collection in a popup form causes several useless exceptions in the backend.

  • MDM-8631: Better UI for steppers with a large number of steps.

  • MDM-8652: Avoid server crash and reduce memory consumption for large data file import. To resolve this issue, a streaming data import is implemented for CSV and XLSX file formats. The XLS format for import is deprecated since it does not support streaming.

  • MDM-8670: Model validations do not detect required roles missing in the platform.

  • MDM-8589: Sequences in PostgreSQL and SQL Server are now created with NO CYCLE, and existing sequences are upgraded to this option.

  • MDM-8676: Unable to configure a tab separator in the data import wizard.

  • MDM-8692: Triggering a DETECT_DUPS validation in a stepper on a basic entity that uses UUID as primary key generates an exception.

  • MDM-8754: Calling a named query with specific model privileges fails with a `NoSuchViewException

  • MDM-8807: Importing a dataset export fails with a primary key violation error on a basic entity.

  • MDM-9197: Application crashes with an error 500 and an InvalidModelException in the log while browsing as of date and using a custom search in the global search.