Semarchy xDM 2.0 release notes

Feature highlights

Support for high-availability deployment

Semarchy xDM 2.0 supports the clustered deployment of the Semarchy xDM web application for high availability and failover. A clustered deployment can be set up for example to support a large number of concurrent users performing data entry or duplicate management operation.

Display components

The display of form and table view attributes can be configured by setting a Display Type and optionally the height and width of the display component. Display types allow including Embedded Content or URL, Images and Hyperlinks into the data access form and table views.

Row-level security

Semarchy xDM 2.0 introduces a new level of details for securing data access.
It is possible to define SemQL Filters for the entities in a Model Privilege Grant. This filter will make accessible only the filtered records for the user having this role. Using filters, model designer can choose to restrict the access to specific entity records depending on the roles.

Model variables

Model Variables can be defined in the model, these variables' values are refreshed from a query to an external provider. The Variable Value Providers, defined in the Administration Console perspective, can be either an LDAP-compatible directory or a database connected via a JDBC Datasource.
Variable values are refreshed when a user connects to access the hub data, and are local to this user’s session. The variable can be used for example in the filters defined for row-level security.

Model documentation

Semarchy xDM 2.0 introduces a new feature to generate a model documentation set in HTML format.
This documentation set includes the Logical Model, Applications and Physical Model documentation.

Client API

A new client API is available to design and develop customized user interfaces to:

  • Explore the structure (metadata) of the MDM hub content.

  • Access the data stored in the MDM Hub,

  • Interact with the workflows

This API is available in the semarchy-mdm-client-<version tag>.zip file with documentation and samples.

Other notable changes


  • The Plug-ins editor now shows only plug-ins added by the user and supports plug-in removal.

  • Plug-ins added by the user are stored in the repository and not deleted when re-deploying the application in some application servers (Tomcat).

  • New Include Model Edition in Namespace option in the Web Service Manager.

  • Batch Poller frequency is now configured by default to 10 seconds.

  • Auto-start preferences for the web services are lost in the upgrade process and must be reset.


  • It is possible switch the deployed model edition of a given data edition without closing and opening a new data edition. Switching a model edition preserves the old version of the jobs under a Deprecated Jobs node.

  • Data edition Closing mode is now called Maintenance mode.


  • The following table structure changes must be taken into account in the integration flows targeting the MDM hub:

    • In the SD_ tables, the B_BATCHID column no longer exists.

    • In the SD_ tables, the B_BRANCHID column is mandatory and must be loaded with the data branch ID.

  • New/updated web service in this release:

    • Platform Services > Metadata Web Service, for the client API.

    • Data Services now expose two new WDSL per data edition: ActivityService and GenericDataService.


Version 2.0.6

  • 724 - New applications do not appear after moving a model to production

Version 2.0.5

  • 721 - Model Import on in a production repository fails

Version 2.0.4

  • 704 - Incorrect French translation La Clé de Licence est invalide when registering a valid license key

  • 706 - Excel Import Fails with Empty Cell

  • 702 - Error when importing Excel an worksheet with cells containing formulas returning error values

  • 700 - IE9/IE10 is unable to display HTML object type image/png

  • 712 - Excel Import adds .0 to a numeric cell value imported in a string attribute

  • 715 - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException in the Excel Import wizard when previewing a different worksheet with a larger number of columns

Version 2.0.3

  • 636 - Data Entry: Unable to create a child record if parent entity is inherited

  • 637 - Missing Validator for a Record Level Consolidator with Publisher Ranking and no Publisher in the List

  • 642 - GD analyze statistics analyzes the wrong table (MD)

  • 643 - In the Reference creation wizard a whitespace in the physical name causes an error flag that never disappears

  • 644 - Error This binding expression S.B_LOADID is not present in this row in data entry workflows when entering a new record with a row filter on the entity

  • 653 - Semarchy xDM Plugin SDK is now signed

  • 654 - Home Dashboard has an incorrect scrolling behavior

  • 661 - Attribute Group Namespace is incorrectly checked. Namespace should be across entity inheritance hierarchy

  • 662 - Support inherited entities in data entry workflows

  • 663 - Entities are not ordered in the Job Creation Wizard

  • 664 - Publisher code is now autofilled in uppercase in the publisher creation wizard

  • 666 - On BO Views, search is not persisted when using the Back button

  • 672 - Validation does not raise any issue for form views with no attributes

  • 673 - Importing of large Excel file cause the application to become unresponsive

  • 677 - Data Entry usability improvements for dates: display a format hint and a decorator for invalid values

  • 678 - Data Entry: ClassCastException when displaying a record with invalid Multi-LOV values in a table view

  • 696 - Date picker displays date format helper message and picker button even for read only fields

Version 2.0.2

  • 87 - Contextual menu is empty on the model edition tree view after a validate action

  • 125 - Non admin users connecting while the repository is down have no privileges until they logout and login again

  • 423 - Update to the workflow notification message and subject

  • 433 - Editor toolbars stop working after perspective switching

  • 442 - Notification Servers: wizard should automatically set first server as default

  • 470 - Improved user experience when upgrading a model edition to fix a job that failed

  • 472 - Job Logs view allows deleting running Jobs

  • 498 - Validator for Plugin should raise warning when some input/outputs are not mapped but enricher/validation is disabled

  • 499 - Model Validation should raise a warning when an entity is not processed by any job

  • 507 - Right-click Validate should put the focus back on the Progress Editor

  • 550 - Fonts used are now suitable for Linux, Mac and Windows

  • 562 - Columns displayed in duplicate management workflows' tables are persisted in the user preferences

  • 598 - Job are not ordered correctly under the data location tree

  • 599 - Model Edition Import Wizard should refresh the Model Edition tree after import

  • 611 - LOV import from Excel imports formula text instead of formula result

  • 613 - Validator now prevents using Large Objects (LOB) attributes in entity or complex type subject names

  • 615 - Duplicate Management workflows: The tree-view status (expanded) is lost when any action is done

  • 616 - Error ORA-00904: GD.FS_XXX when starting a data entry workflow with a UDPK entity referencing a SDPK entity

  • 618 - Excel Import Wizard: Added a progress bar during the file processing

  • 626 - NullPointerException error when an importing Excel data with rows containing only blank cells with formatting info

Version 2.0.1

  • 590 - The popup window for an image attribute does not preserve the aspect ratio

  • 595 - Missing Dependency Error when installing the Semarchy xDM Plugin SDK 2.0.0

  • 596 - Attribute names in a form view are incorrect for the attributes of a parent entity.

  • 597 - MTA_SUBMIT_LOAD to submit Deprecated Jobs causes an ORA-01422 Error

  • 600 - RuntimeException: Cannot update a deployed Model Edition in a production environment. on Install Model Edition in Repository with DEPLOYMENT type

  • 604 - Tomcat Server does not shut down if a session is running

  • 605 - OutOfMemory PermGen Space error when validating a model

  • 607 - Button requires a double-click to open the SemQL editor (Enricher and Binning Expression)