Semarchy xDM 5.1 release notes

Feature highlights

Semarchy xDM Discovery

Semarchy xDM version 5.1 brings data profiling capabilities to the Intelligent Data Hub™ platform with xDM Discovery. This new component enables data architects and business users to gather the profiling metrics required to prepare their data management initiative.

xDM Discovery connects to datasources, profile the tables in place and persists profiles for further analysis using built-in dashboards. For advanced profiling and findings distribution, data architects can seed, from the built-in dashboards, fully customizable Semarchy xDM Dashboard applications.

Dashboard drilldown, actions and slicers

Charts in xDM Dashboard are enhanced with the Data Drilldown feature: Users may now click on any shape or measure value in a chart in order to drill down to the data hidden behind the visible aggregated measure.
Query actions are available contextually on the drill-down data to open parameterized links to Semarchy Data Management Applications or to any other applications, to take action on the data.

Dashboards are enhanced with new options for slicing and filtering data, including a slicer sidenav, and specific styling to emphasize slicer value leading to meaningful insights. The Dashboard Builder is also packed with new features to accelerate dashboard and chart design, such as design-time filters on charts and dashboards.

SemQL lookup and relationship matching

This version improves model design for complex data rules and structures:

  • A new Lookup Expression in SemQL returns information and aggregated values (min, max, count, concatenation, etc) from child entities.

  • The Matching Process is enhanced for parent-child reference relationships with configurable re-matching of child records when a parent record is split by a user, as well as single-pass matching for self-references and recursive hierarchies.

Using these new capabilities, model designers can now support even more complex data patterns in models and applications.

Applications experience

Features of equal value have been added to the model to augment the data hub user experience:

  • Collections now support Select All and mass actions for all action types (copy, edit, duplicates management). Design-time limits, conditions as well as privilege grants defined in the model automatically apply to these mass actions.

  • Global Search allows multiple search methods (full-text, form, customized), and views (golden, master, etc) to look for data in a single business view via multiple facets.

API enhancements

The built-in REST API, available for platform management and data integration, is enhanced with:

  • API Key authentication: Administrators can provision and manage API Keys in the Semarchy platform with the required privileges, and provide them to application developers for their interactions with Semarchy xDM.

  • New endpoints for Dashboard Applications and Custom Translations import/export to accelerate scripted deployment across environments.

  • Explanatory error messages and warnings for incorrect requests.

SQL Server certification

This release introduces Microsoft SQL Server as a certified database platform for storing repositories and data locations, on-premise or in the cloud, with all the features of Semarchy xDM to manage, browse or create your data. SQL Server is certified for all your environments: development, testing, and production.

New license management

Semarchy xDM introduces in this release a new system to manage licenses. This new license system simplifies the management of licenses and instances at an enterprise level. It applies to newly created Semarchy instances, as well as instances upgraded to this new release.

Other notable changes

  • Designers and administrators can hide dashboard applications and data management applications from the welcome page to make them available for a limited number of users.

  • The Value and Timeline tabs are now available in the field documentation side nav when browsing historized data as of date. These two tabs now have better support for consolidated values and overrides.

  • Import/export is enhanced with friendlier file names as well as enhanced management of import files with a high number of formatting errors.

  • Authentication is enhanced with automatic seeding of a user profile from its OpenID Connect provider (Google, OAuth, Okta) information.


Version 5.1.10

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9251: Changes to a sequence Start With property are not taken into account after the first deployment.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9801: Duplicate manager is broken with a wrong editor title when resuming an obsolete suggestion.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an "invalid number" error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10346: Repository creation fails with an ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded error on an Oracle database configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED. This Oracle feature is currently not supported, and the database should be configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=STANDARD.

  • MDM-10383: Using the PostgreSQL driver version above 42.2.11 causes unexpected exceptions with timestamp datatypes. As a workaround, downgrade to version driver version 42.2.10.

  • MDM-10439: Using the most frequent value consolidation strategy for the default rule should raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-10470: An entity can have more than one default collection.

  • MDM-10472: In the form and collection editors, the configuration column does not use all the available space.

  • MDM-10527: Configuring a decimal attribute with a scale greater than the precision should raise a model validation error.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10707: Read-only fields can be edited within a workflow

  • MDM-10747: The application cannot start when a global application server datasource is used as repository datasource under WildFly

  • MDM-10786: During authoring, Form Fields/Columns for which a user is not authorized are throwing a DataPermissionDeniedException instead of being hidden

Version 5.1.9

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9251: Changes to a sequence Start With property are not taken into account after the first deployment.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9801: Duplicate manager is broken with a wrong editor title when resuming an obsolete suggestion.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an "invalid number" error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10346: Repository creation fails with an ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded error on an Oracle database configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED. This Oracle feature is currently not supported, and the database should be configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=STANDARD.

  • MDM-10383: Using the PostgreSQL driver version above 42.2.11 causes unexpected exceptions with timestamp datatypes. As a workaround, downgrade to version driver version 42.2.10.

  • MDM-10439: Using the most frequent value consolidation strategy for the default rule should raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-10470: An entity can have more than one default collection.

  • MDM-10472: In the form and collection editors, the configuration column does not use all the available space.

  • MDM-10527: Configuring a decimal attribute with a scale greater than the precision should raise a model validation error.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10642: Integration jobs should analyze the statistics of the GH/MH tables when the PARAM_ANALYZE_STATS parameter is set.

  • MDM-10654: JNDI security enhancements.

  • MDM-10655: User information API security enhancements.

  • MDM-10660: System URL security enhancements.

  • MDM-10661: Listing of available services security enhancements.

Version 5.1.8

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9251: Changes to a sequence Start With property are not taken into account after the first deployment.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9801: Duplicate manager is broken with a wrong editor title when resuming an obsolete suggestion.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an "invalid number" error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10346: Repository creation fails with an ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded error on an Oracle database configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED. This Oracle feature is currently not supported, and the database should be configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=STANDARD.

  • MDM-10383: Using the PostgreSQL driver version above 42.2.11 causes unexpected exceptions with timestamp datatypes. As a workaround, downgrade to version driver version 42.2.10.

  • MDM-10439: Using the most frequent value consolidation strategy for the default rule should raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-10470: An entity can have more than one default collection.

  • MDM-10472: In the form and collection editors, the configuration column does not use all the available space.

  • MDM-10527: Configuring a decimal attribute with a scale greater than the precision should raise a model validation error.

New features

  • MDM-10567: New defaultCacheMaxAge property of the OpenIdConnectAuthenticator valve enables configuring the document cache expiration in seconds when the identity provider does not serve expected cache headers.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-9839: A value selected in a search form value picker appears as the bound value and not as the primary text.

  • MDM-10516: The helper text appears with an incorrect color (black) in authoring form fields.

  • MDM-10526: HTML tags are not correctly escaped in collection display card columns.

  • MDM-10528: HTML tags are not correctly escaped in chart tooltips (dashboard applications).

  • MDM-10529: HTML tags are not correctly escaped in pivot table headers (dashboard applications).

  • MDM-10533: REST API query potential matches returns no results for an entity with Sequence or UUID primary key.

  • MDM-10580: Performing a Direct Confirm action from a form view does not start the associated job.

  • MDM-10595: Azure Solution Template deployment and management scripts should fail when an SQL Server command fails.

  • MDM-10596: Azure Solution Template management script sometimes raises a useless mount error(16): Device or resource busy error.

  • MDM-10598: Job fails on the Notify Referencing MI task with a NullPointerException when the PARAM_CHILD_POSTPROCESSING_JOB parameter is set to true.

Version 5.1.7

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10494: Welcome page image URLs are not correctly escaped.

  • MDM-10485: Users with access can bypass read-only restrictions in the Configuration and App-Builder UI by intercepting server responses.

Version 5.1.6

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10264: The REGEX_LIKE function gives opposite results with SQL Server.

  • MDM-10289: A single quote in the value of the display card primary text breaks the Value tab of the Explain Record editor.

  • MDM-10293: The repository creation wizard redirects to the welcome page instead of the license management window.

  • MDM-10350: Deploying a model fails with an IllegalArgumentException: UnknownAttribute error when a match rule uses a referenced attribute or matches on a child entity, and when the match condition uses attributes from Record2 but not the same attributes in Record1.

  • MDM-10424: Export is secured to avoid CSV Injection attacks. Values considered as possible formulas - starting with =, @ and non-numeric values starting with + or - - are automatically prefixed with a single quote in exports.

  • MDM-10438: Deleting data using the REST API in an entity with a UUID ID fails on PostgreSQL with a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-10467: The System Information in the About dialog is now not available to users without the semarchyAdmin role by default. Administrators can configure this behavior using the xdm.about.showSystemInfoRole property with the following possible values: semarchyAdmin (default), all (System information is available to all users), none (System information is available to no one).

Version 5.1.5

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-9799: Workflow triggers call user-defined functions using incorrect signatures.

  • MDM-10118: Configuring the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff HTTP header on the application server prevents access to the Dashboard Builder, Discovery and License Management pages.

  • MDM-10146: AWS AMI and Azure Virtual Machine Offer have incorrect file privileges configured, which prevents un-deploying or deploying applications using the Tomcat Manager.

  • MDM-10166: With SQL Server, omitting a publisher in a preferred publisher survivorship rule ranks its values first. To fix this issue, the model must be redeployed after applying this patch.

  • MDM-10192: With SQL Server, the default survivorship rule does not take into account the Ranking Expression used with the Preferred Publisher and Longest/Shortest Value survivorship strategies. To fix this issue, the model must be redeployed after applying this patch.

  • MDM-10207: The Semarchy xDM application fails to start randomly in the AWS AMI.

  • MDM-10213: The semarchy-postgresql.xml sample file contains twice the DATA_LOCATION_1 datasource definition.

  • MDM-10225: The Error page should HTML-escape the error messages.

  • MDM-10226: The Welcome page should HTML-escape the returned parameters.

  • MDM-10238: The next workflow task does not start automatically when assigned to the current user.

  • MDM-10243: A Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE-2020-1938) was identified on the shipped Tomcat version (8.5.50). This vulnerability does not impact Semarchy xDM, which does not use the AJP protocol. However, the Tomcat version is now upgraded to 8.5.51.

Version 5.1.4

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10095: Exporting data when browsing as of date does not work and a No value supplied for the SQL parameter 'V_BATCHID': No value registered for key 'V_BATCHID'` error is issued in the log.

  • MDM-10079: Next workflow task does not start if there is no record to process for that task’s entity.

  • MDM-10078: The OpenID Connect authentication valve causes authentication loops when upgrading to Tomcat 8.5.50.

  • MDM-10075: Data location creation fails while creating the SEM_LEVENSHTEIN function on SQL Server when the server is configured with a case-sensitive collation.

  • MDM-10045: The integration jobs fail in the "Validate Golden Data" task group with a duplicate key violation error.

Version 5.1.3

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-9950: Dashboard query actions should open a link configured with a Current Tab target in the current tab and not in the current frame.

  • MDM-9971: Using API Key authentication makes simultaneous REST API calls fail with a com.semarchy.commons.mda.persistence.exception.PersistenceCommitException: Unable to save or commit changes to the database. Changes canceled. exception.

  • MDM-9962: Plugin validation errors are not counted in the job log Error Count.

  • MDM-9951: Step trigger fails to pass SemQL arguments values, but passes the SemQL code as an argument.

  • MDM-9926: Browser freezes when resizing a multi-value LOV column in a table view.

Version 5.1.2

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat Manager, a SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

  • MDM-9807: In xDM Discovery, the following column metrics are incorrect when sampling a subset of the table: Unique Count, Unique Values, Duplicate Count, Duplicate Values.

New features

  • MDM-9753: Detailed documentation for the license synchronization mechanism in the Semarchy xDM Administration Guide.

  • MDM-9761: Documented requirements and network exchanges for the license synchronization mechanism.

  • MDM-9820: New Export Job Log button to export a job log in Excel format.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-9764: A model validation about split duplicate propagation appears for references even when the referenced entity is basic.

  • MDM-9821: Dashboard drill-down only shows the 50 first records.

  • MDM-9823: Semarchy preconfigured Tomcat is missing the JNDI datasources required for the tutorials.

  • MDM-9834: Unable to select master records in the duplicate manager editor while in a table view.

  • MDM-9838: A Search form parameter based on a LOV displays the LOV codes with the "jrenje" suffix.

  • MDM-9845: The Manage License page shows an incorrect message for license keys with an expiry date more than 7 days in the future.

  • MDM-9862: ID Matched entities using an "Override - Until consolidated value changes" strategy do not take into account data from the first master record if it is created after the authored golden record.

  • MDM-9876: The xDM Discovery Table Reference should clarify which metrics are computed on the sample or all rows.

  • MDM-9882: A step trigger using a PostgreSQL function fails to run with a bad SQL grammar error.

  • MDM-9884: A historized golden record that was soft-deleted appears with previous record versions when browsing as of date.

  • MDM-9894: On PostgreSQL, performing a Merge or Split Duplicates operation on a collection with a user-defined sort fails with an exception.

  • MDM-9904: In xDM Discovery, the profiling process fails on SQL Server with a SQL failure while executing task Column Statistics Numeric error for integer columns and large samples. To fix this issue, the average value column metrics have been modified for all numeric values to use two decimals.

  • MDM-9908: Deleting a record fails on PostgreSQL if a filter is applied to the collection.

Version 5.1.1

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

  • MDM-9655: The SQL sample to split masters from a golden sample is incorrect.

  • MDM-9678: A survivorship rule using custom ranking consolidation with NULLS LAST (e.g., FirstName ASC NULLS LAST) in the ranking expression generates incorrect SQL. As a workaround, the expression should be rewritten to avoid NULLS LAST (e.g., case when FirstName is null then 0 else 1 end DESC, FirstName ASC).

  • MDM-9698: The Phone Enricher should not include hyphens for the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL to meet the E.123 recommendations. As a workaround use an additional SemQL enricher to replace hyphens by spaces.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-9599: Displaying a complex pivot table chart consumes excessive browser resources.

  • MDM-9623: A warning Split Duplicate Propagation is incorrectly raised during model validation when the parent of a relationship is a basic entity.

  • MDM-9652: The license message on the welcome page may appear incorrectly localized when the browser locale does not match the user profile language.

  • MDM-9656: Importing master records in a fuzzy-matched entity fails with a NullPointerException when Source ID and Publisher ID columns are not present in the collection used for the import step.

  • MDM-9666: Improved feedback on the HTTP-401 page for authentication errors with an SSO login.

  • MDM-9669: Upgrading a model fails on Oracle on "Task: Upgrade To 5.0.26/upgrade ReferenceFormFieldConfig" with an ORA-30926 error if a stepper references a form not in the stepper for a reference.

  • MDM-9671: The email validation plugin used in a stepper fails with a NullPointerException when parameters are left with no value.

  • MDM-9689: Dashboards do not appear with Safari.

  • MDM-9691: The list of tables in xDM Discovery are not formatted correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-9693: IBM Websphere Liberty Profile 19.x is now certified.

  • MDM-9709: xDM Discovery value frequency and histogram charts do not appear and a "Some validations have failed" message is issued when the column has a large number of distinct values.

  • MDM-9714: License Management page does not show sufficient information on a non-activated instance to non-administrator users.

  • MDM-9742: SMTP Password should be obscured in the SMTP notification server configuration editor.

  • MDM-9717: Semarchy xDM requirements are modified to mandate a minimal Java version.

  • MDM-9757: Deleting a record fails with SQL Server when no item limit is set for the action.

  • MDM-9783: Persisting records in a continuous load returns an unexpected error (HTTP-500) even if the load is processed.

  • MDM-9784: Fixed the Waffle configuration example in the documentation.

  • MDM-9785: Waffle Form + SSO authentication fails with an HTTP-404 error.

  • MDM-9791: Custom search form freezes the application with a NullPointerException in the log when the filter uses model variables.

  • MDM-9792: OpenID Connect authentication fails with a java.lang.RuntimeException: Platform lacks signature algorithm support. after upgrading to Tomcat 8.5.46.

Version 5.1.0

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is null when creating a record and false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping the Semarchy using the Tomcat manager, SEVERE message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue and can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before Feb 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9153: Platform variable V_USER_DEPARTEMENT should be spelled V_USER_DEPARTMENT.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-9300: Importing master records with references to fuzzy-matched entities fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.dataimport.impl.RowProcessor.isExpressionMapped(

  • MDM-9636: Propagate Duplicate Split breaks some relationships when a fuzzy-matched child record also has Fuzzy or ID-matched child records.

New features

  • MDM-1529: The certification process now supports single-pass self-reference matching and consolidation using the new PARAM_CHILD_POSTPROCESSING_JOB job parameter.

  • MDM-1698, MDM-3230: New Lookup expression in SemQL to return values and aggregated values from child entities.

  • MDM-4720: New Split Duplicates Propagation property on reference relationships defines how splitting records in the parent entity affects the child records. Setting this property to Reset Matching forces re-matching the child records, possibly splitting them along with the parent records.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari.

  • MDM-6872: Improved error messages in the REST API with fix suggestions.

  • MDM-7239: Editing all records in a filtered list is now supported with Select All.

  • MDM-7501: Select all now supported for all actions.

  • MDM-7524: Non-breaking spaces are now considered valid whitespaces in SemQL.

  • MDM-7551: Oracle connections now use the J2EE Compliance mode. All JDBC connections to Oracle must be configured with the oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant property set to true.

  • MDM-7567: New Visibility property to hide a data management application from the welcome page or disable it entirely.

  • MDM-7912: Collections now support copying field values to the clipboard.

  • MDM-8133: A form tab displayed only with the icon shows the tab label as a tooltip.

  • MDM-8183: REST API now supports API Key authentication.

  • MDM-8200: The integration load REST API now allows defining the attributes returned for the potential matches using the new queryPotentialMatchesBaseExpressions and queryPotentialMatchesExpressions properties. Besides, all master views (Master Data, Master History, etc.) now include in their set of base attributes the Golden ID.

  • MDM-8299: The new xDM Discovery component supports data profiling for all supported database.

  • MDM-8527: Semarchy xDM is now certified on PostgreSQL 11.

  • MDM-8346: Global search supports multiple searches and all the view types (golden, master, etc) available for the business views.

  • MDM-8418: Dashboards now support dashboard-level slicers stacked in a side nav.

  • MDM-8454: Semarchy xDM is now certified for production on Microsoft SQL Server for both the repositories and data locations, on-premises or in the cloud.

  • MDM-8619: The Value and Timeline tabs are now available in the field documentation side nav when browsing historized data as of date.

  • MDM-8638: REST API now supports custom translations export/import.

  • MDM-8725: The integration load REST API now rejects DELETE_DATA actions containing in the deleteRecords attributes other than the golden record primary key.

  • MDM-8735: Charts in xDM Dashboard now support drill-down to the un-aggregated view of the data used to build the measure.

  • MDM-8736: xDM Dashboard queries now support data actions to open contextualized URLs from the drill-down data tables.

  • MDM-8744: REST API now supports dashboard applications create/export/import/delete.

  • MDM-8755: New Visible property to hide a dashboard application from the welcome page.

  • MDM-8874: Dashboard Builder supports filters in charts and dashboard charts to apply additional filtering to the query.

  • MDM-8942: Date export files are now named after the label of the collection from which the export was performed.

  • MDM-8953: The authenticated user name can be added to the logs with the %X{authenticatedUser} pattern.

  • MDM-8967: Copying all records from a filtered list is now supported with Select All.

  • MDM-9004: Data management application import process raises a dialog when too many errors occur during an import. The importMaxSupportedErrors system property (default: 500) configures the number of errors above which this dialog appears.

  • MDM-9005: Improved performance for model deployment.

  • MDM-9021: REST API now provides the job notifications' status (notificationStatus) for completed loads.

  • MDM-9039: REST API documentation for each domain is downloadable in YAML and JSON format, using the format=YAML or format=JSON URL parameter.

  • MDM-9049: Function IIF incorrectly available for SQL Server causes SemQL validation error. This function is removed from the function list.

  • MDM-9053: The com.semarchy.tool.jee.tomcat.OpenIdConnectRealm realm used to extract roles from the ID Token in OpenID Connect authentication is deprecated and replaced by com.semarchy.tool.jee.tomcat.OpenIdConnectRealm.

  • MDM-9085: SQL Server login creation script and connection samples in the documentation now set the default database.

  • MDM-9086: SQL Server URLs in sample semarchy.xml now include the default database.

  • MDM-9087: The context.xml file is removed from the WAR files. Samples semarchy.xml are available for all supported databases.

  • MDM-9094: New Minimum interval in the value axis configuration in xDM Dashboard charts to define the lower limit of the computed tick interval.

  • MDM-9095: REST API now returns an explanatory error or warning for incorrect payload content, and defaults to a strict mode for invalid payload content. Users willing to revert to the loose mode should set the useStrictModeForLoadRestApi server environment variable to false.

  • MDM-9101: Repository and data location information payloads returned by the REST API now include the database name (dbName), type (dbType) and schema (dbSchema) for the underlying datasource.

  • MDM-9103: New xDM Discovery component to perform source data profiling.

  • MDM-9113: New licensing mechanism using a license server.

  • MDM-9138: New Company property available in the user profile and as a V_USER_COMPANY_NAME session variable.

  • MDM-9155: The first time a user logs in using OpenID Connect authentication, its profile information is automatically seeded with the information provided by the OpenID Connect provider.

  • MDM-9241: New Discovery Management role to access xDM Discovery.

  • MDM-9285: New slicer options in the Dashboard Builder to hide or de-emphasize values with no metrics to display.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-3882: Unique key validation does not work with null boolean values.

  • MDM-5726: Server log contains useless Failed to create DirectAuthoringInstance for StepperInstance loadId xxx errors when a user accesses the inbox.

  • MDM-6336: Generated SQL statement contains aliases with names longer than 30 characters.

  • MDM-8249: Unable to use another image format than SVG for icons (entity, folder, etc).

  • MDM-8907: A change of reference to a fuzzy-matched entity performed via an import has no effect when mapping the FP_/FS_ attributes but not the F_ attribute.

  • MDM-8982: In the import wizard, the list of attributes should not include the parent reference attributes if these cannot be used for re-parenting (for example, in a child collection step).

  • MDM-8984: The AuthAndRolesRealm with a JDNIRealm and a DatabaseRealm does not support the CaseInsensitiveCredentialHandler.

  • MDM-8994: In the Many to Many Relationship properties of a collection step, the Sort Expression field should be disabled when Customized Sort is not selected.

  • MDM-8995: The order of the search configurations available in a duplicate manager is not correctly taken into account after an application refresh.

  • MDM-8996: The Name field in the dashboard application import dialog does not allow entering a new application name.

  • MDM-9014: Model deployment fails on SQL Server with a No column named xxx in table yyy error when an identity column exists in the schema.

  • MDM-9020: With PostgreSQL, an enricher setting an attribute to a null value raises a SQL Exception in the job.

  • MDM-9030: A dashboard chart embedded in Card mode has an unexpected grey background.

  • MDM-9038: Exporting zero rows fails in Excel format and does not export column headers in CSV format.

  • MDM-9039: REST API documentation "Download" button returns the API in YAML format but uses an incorrect Content-Type: application/json in the response header.

  • MDM-9041: In an application, the browser "Back" button does not return to the previous page after navigating to a business view via a reference link.

  • MDM-9047: In the named queries editor, Add Properties displays the attributes in random order.

  • MDM-9052: Duplicate managers can only support a limited number of operations due to the operation IDs storage.

  • MDM-9058: Model validation should raise an error when the Master ID Survivorship rule uses the Largest Value consolidation strategy since this configuration fails model deployment with a masterIdConsolidationRule %s is not valid for master id consolidation error.

  • MDM-9074: Unable to set the fill color on the series of a donut chart.

  • MDM-9083: Dropping and re-creating a data location does not automatically refresh the application cache.

  • MDM-9102: A form attribute using a list of values with no value defined should raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-9123: Application fails to start with com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.appmodel.impl.InvalidModelException: Model for dataLocation: xxx is not valid and ViewType SD does not exist for yyy with EntityType:BASIC errors when a form in a fuzzy-matched entity contains an embedded collection using a basic entity.

  • MDM-9151: A model validation should be raised when an application has two navigation drawer items at the same position.

  • MDM-9157: Incorrect SQL generated in the Merge source override values into GA table job task when the default rule uses an Override - until consolidated value change strategy but does not apply to any attribute.

  • MDM-9164: Review duplicate suggestion action is slow to display suggestions in certain cases due to a missing table index.

  • MDM-9192: Job notification failure may cause an engine crash.

  • MDM-9198: Incorrect SQL generated for SQL Server in the Merge source override values into GA table for a consolidation rule that applies to no attribute.

  • MDM-9124: The submit_load function does not catch non-existing job names correctly in SQL Server.

  • MDM-9161: Incorrect error message in French when trying to make changes on a closed model edition.

  • MDM-9204: A computed attribute using a long text do not appear in the applications.

  • MDM-9215: The scheduled purge does not clean stale (Suspended) jobs.

  • MDM-9297: The Inbox loads infinitely and raises a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No transition named [xxx] in workflow [yyy] error in the log when trying to display workflows with transitions that have changed in the model.

  • MDM-9302: Creating continuous loads with the same name on different data locations should not be allowed.

  • MDM-9303: Avatar images are not fitted correctly in the folders' list view.

  • MDM-9309: Validation should ignore deleted records and raises for example irrelevant unique key validation issues.

  • MDM-9342: The first record in the Resolve Duplicate dialog should not be selectable.

  • MDM-9349: Viewing the details of a "Direct Confirm Duplicate" load under a data location causes a RuntimeException.

  • MDM-9361: Copy and edit actions fail to start steppers when a large number of records is selected, due to the storage.

  • MDM-9363: Application fails to load with an com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.appmodel.impl.InvalidModelException: Model for dataLocation: xxx is not valid. error in the log when an attribute has Custom Label checked and an empty Documentation using the SemQL interpreter.

  • MDM-9382: An embedded collection displayed in a popup form raises the following exception in the log: java.lang.NullPointerException: One input condition (at least) is null.

  • MDM-9392: The Create Application Components Wizard fails with a NullPointerException when no default form is configured for the entity.

  • MDM-9407: Using a list of value search parameter with a Text Field display type breaks a custom search form.

  • MDM-9408: Deleting a data location hosted in a Microsoft Azure SQL Database fails with a Skip source code DATABASE_FIREWALL_RULES unknown type V in sysobject error.

  • MDM-9428: Default file encoding change causes issues in labels when exporting/importing models on Windows.

  • MDM-9433: In the form editor, filtering the list of available attributes to only show used or unused attributes does not work.

  • MDM-9507: Display cards do not appear correctly for source data/authoring with errors when they use referenced records not loaded in the same load.

  • MDM-9452: Forms mandatory field validations do not work for complex attributes' definition attributes.

  • MDM-9456: Session memory is not released from WebLogic when the user logs out or when the session times out.

  • MDM-9463: The timeline and value tabs do not show consistent values and events for consolidated values with overrides and override resets.

  • MDM-9465: A duplicate manager with Customized Sort selected and no Sort Expression defined breaks with application with a com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.appmodel.impl.InvalidModelException: Model for dataLocation: xxx is not valid. error.

  • MDM-9511: Discovery and dashboard applications show an empty page when the web application is deployed on the root context.

  • MDM-9531: Calling a custom procedure fails on SQL Server with a SQL state [S0001]; error code [102]; Incorrect syntax near '@xxx'. error

  • MDM-9544: Hard delete should delete AE, GE and SE records.

  • MDM-9546: Enrichers should ignore deleted records

  • MDM-9566: Repository upgrade fails with an Upgrade Failed Task: Upgrade To 4.0.11/set BusinessObjectView Labels and Description Root BOViewEntity and Root Filter error.

  • MDM-9569: V_USER_ROLES truncates at 4000 characters instead of 4,000 bytes.

  • MDM-9603: A unique key using a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity is not available as a form, step or stepper validation.

  • MDM-9604: A unique key using a reference (foreign attribute), checked in a stepper form, is not validated when the reference value changes.

  • MDM-9605: Custom search form does not take into account the filter value when "Enter" is pressed too fast.

  • MDM-9611: Database reverse-engineering ignores SQL Server columns with an INT or NCHAR datatype.

  • MDM-9615: SQL Server database recommended configuration is changed from case-insensitive to case-sensitive.