Greenplum component release notes
This page lists the main features added to the Greenplum Component.
Version 2024.1.0
Feature improvements
DI-6920: Add new deserializer template DESERIALIZER Greenplum String as Xml to create XML data from a Greenplum string data type.
DI-7621: Implement serializer functionality in Designer. Use the serializer in mappings to parse structured data from a source and flatten it to string data.
Version 2023.4.0
Feature improvements
DI-7010: Template LOAD S3 File to Greenplum: add a new parameter to customize the string delimiter.
DI-7956: Template LOAD S3 file to Greenplum: add support for positional files.
DI-8116: Template LOAD S3 File to Greenplum: add the ability to check the source S3 file existence before trying to process it.
DI-8196: Third-party library upgrade.
Version 2023.2.0
Feature improvements
DI-6927: New DESERIALIZER Greenplum String as JSON template.
DI-6740: Multiple improvements to the Load S3 File to Greenplum template, including performance and efficiency, automated encoding management based on the metadata, header skip clause, date/timestamp format management. The dataFormat parameter is re-labeled to Profile.
Version 2023.1.0 (Greenplum component)
Feature improvements
DI-4668: The Create indexes on Target Table parameter has been added to the INTEGRATION GreenPlum (NO_LOAD) template.
DI-4669: The Create indexes on Target Table parameter has been added to the INTEGRATION GreenPlum template.
DI-6439: The LOAD File to Greenplum (with gpload) template is now available.