IBM Netezza Component Release Notes

This page lists the main features added to the IBM Netezza Component.

Feature Highlights

Version 2.0.3

Minor improvements and fixed issues

This version contains some minor improvements and fixed issues, which can be found in the complete changelog.

Version 2.0.2

Change Data Capture (CDC)

Multiple improvements have been performed to homogenize the usage of Change Data Capture (CDC) in various Components.

Parameters have been homogenized, so that all Templates should now have the same CDC Parameters, with the same support of features.

Multiple fixes have also been performed to correct CDC issues. Refer to the changelog for the exact list of changes.

Version 2.0.1

JDBC Drivers classes and URLs

Semarchy xDI Designer 20.2.0 introduces an improvement which allows Components and Modules definition to provide themselves the proper JDBC drivers classes and URLs, for the connection wizard to automatically adapt depending on the Module selected.

This Component has therefore been updated to take into account this improvement and provide the necessary JDBC drivers classes and URLs information.

Change Log

Version 2023.1.3

Bug fixes

  • DI-7169: Review the float datatype creation mask and reverse size.

Version 2023.1.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-5269: The INTEGRATION Netezza with Slowly Changing Dimension template is now available.

Bug fixes

  • DI-6234: Some built-in templates cannot be saved after being modified and a NullPointerException is thrown.

Version 5.3.8 (Component Pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-6262: The technology definition has been updated to mention that indexes are not supported. Thus, the generic templates do not try to create indexes on this database.

Version 3.0.0 (Component Pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-2641: Reverse-engineer foreign keys referencing tables in another schema when the other table and schema are available in the metadata

  • DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions

  • DI-4727: Rebranding: Templates and sample projects

  • DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management

Version 2.0.3 (IBM Netezza Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-2739: Template - LOAD Rdbms to Netezza (with External Table) - generated temporary file names may unexpectedly contain object delimiters

Version 2.0.2 (IBM Netezza Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-1912: Templates updated - support having CDC sources on Templates which were not supporting it (such as staging templates)

  • DI-1910: Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet

  • DI-1909: Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking

Bug fixes

  • DI-1908: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates on Lock / Unlock CDC steps

  • DI-1907: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates when querying the source data

Version 2.0.1 (IBM Netezza Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-2118: IBM Netezza Component - update module definition to propose more accurate driver and urls